Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The following questions are frequently asked about admission to the bar of North Carolina. Each of the below questions is linked to the corresponding answer.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do for my application to be considered "filed"?
For your application to be considered filed, you must submit the following items in hard copy to the Board by the applicable filing deadline:
- Check or money order for the full application fee, including late fees.
- Two copies of your application (double-sided), signed and notarized.
- Two executed information Authorization and Release forms (signed and notarized).
- Completed application Signature Page.
These documents must be postmarked or received in the Board’s office by the applicable filing deadline for your application to be considered filed.
Please be advised that this is not an exhaustive list of all documents needed to consider your application complete. Refer to the Rules Governing Admission to the Practice of Law in the State of North Carolina for more information.
Back to TOPHow do I find out if my application has been received?
Please request delivery notification services from the provider you use to send in your application. FedEx, UPS, and the US Postal Service all offer delivery notification services. In the weeks surrounding the deadlines, we receive several hundred applications per day. It is impossible to determine if your application is in the stacks of applications waiting to be processed. Once your application has been received and assigned to an investigative analyst for processing, your analyst will notify you.
Back to TOPCan I request that my bar examination be re-graded?
No. Rule .1005 Re-Grading of the Rules Governing Admission to the Practice of Law in North Carolina provides that examination answers cannot be re-graded once UBE scores have been released.
Please note that 27 N.C.A.C 01D .1803 does not apply to the North Carolina Bar Examination. This Rule only applies to Legal Specialization Examinations administered by the North Carolina State Bar.
Back to TOPWhy is my application being returned to me?
For an application to be considered complete, it must be signed by the Applicant and notarized; it must include the application fee, two (2) signed and notarized Authorization and Release forms; it must be submitted in a double-sided format, with every question answered, including the handwriting sample.
Back to TOPHow do I request fingerprint cards?
To request fingerprint cards, please send an email to with your name and the address to which you would like the fingerprint cards mailed.
Back to TOPIs it acceptable to use fingerprint cards from another state or organization?
No. Please email to request the correct fingerprint cards. Please read the Fingerprint Card Instructions on the homepage of our website.
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I have to use my laptop computer on the bar exam. What do I need to know?
As of February 2023, the Board requires laptop use and works hard to make this option function smoothly for everyone. The only exception to this is if an applicant is required to handwrite their essays under the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you have a disability, please be sure to apply for Special Accommodations by the specified deadline. There are deadlines for registering to use your laptop so that the Board can ensure that the examination facility will have enough power and computer technicians available on site and so that you have time to install and test the required software. Please see the Laptop Use section of this website for more information about the laptop option.
Back to TOPWhat is the link to the ExamSoft registration page? Back to TOP
Do I need to send a new photograph and Certificates of Good Standing each time I apply to take the Bar Exam?
Back to TOPHow can I request a receipt for application fees paid?
Navigate to your secure applicant portal home page. Scroll down to payment information and click the blue 'Print Receipt' button. If you have any issues with this, please email
Back to TOPWhat subject matter is tested on the North Carolina Bar Exam?
Please see Rule .0903 under the Rules link on this website for a list of subjects tested on the North Carolina Bar Examination.
Back to TOPWhat are the requirements for an uploaded photo?
The acceptance of your photo is at the discretion of the Board of Law Examiners of the State of North Carolina.
Your photo must meet the following requirements:
- Must be an image file: .png, .jpg, .jpeg
Must be a color photo.- An individual photo
taken in front of a plain white background. - Must reflect your current appearance.
- Full face view, directly facing the camera, with a neutral expression and both eyes open.
- The photo should include only your shoulders and head.
- Taken with uniform lighting/not show shadows/shadowing of facial features.
- No hat or head covering unless worn for religious purposes.
- Glasses are permitted; however, glare in the photo is not acceptable (glare can be avoided with a slight downward tilt of the glasses or by turning off the flash).
Minimum size of 300 x 300 once uploaded and cropped.
What types of applications require an uploaded photo?
Bar Exam, UBE Score Transfer, Comity and Supplemental applications are required to upload a photo.
Back to TOPMy photo is "Expired". How do I upload a new photo?
To do so, you can use the "Upload Photo" button in the UPLOAD YOUR PHOTO box on your user homepage or in the upper right corner click on your name and choose "Edit Personal Info" from the dropdown. The "Upload New Photo" button is located below the "Place of Birth" field.
Back to TOPHow do I transfer my MPRE score to another jurisdiction?
You may transfer your MPRE score to another jurisdiction by submitting a written request, along with a check or money order for $25.00 to the Board’s office at 5510 Six Forks Road, Suite 300, Raleigh NC 27609. Please include the following information in your written request: your name, your contact information, and which jurisdiction your MPRE score should be sent to and the contact information for that jurisdiction. For additional questions, please email
Back to TOPHow do I transfer my North Carolina MBE score to another jurisdiction?
You may transfer your North Carolina MBE score by submitting a written request, along with a check or money order for $25.00 to the Board’s office at 5510 Six Forks Road, Suite 300, Raleigh NC 27609. Please include the following information in your written request: your name and contact information, which bar examination MBE score you would like transferred, and the jurisdiction to which you would like your MBE score sent, along with the contact information for that jurisdiction. Please check with the jurisdiction to which you are applying for specific MBE transfer forms and include those in your request, if applicable. For additional questions, please email
Back to TOPI am applying to another jurisdiction and need a copy of my bar application. What do I do?
If you are a licensed attorney in the State of North Carolina, please contact the North Carolina State Bar for a copy of your bar exam application. You may visit the North Carolina State Bar’s website at and navigate to the “For Lawyers” tab, click on “Forms,” and find the “Good Standing, Bar App, and Bar ID Card Request” section.
If you are not a licensed attorney in the State of North Carolina, please submit a written request for a copy of your bar examination application, along with a check or money order in the amount of $20.00, to the Board’s office at 5510 Six Forks Road, Suite 300, Raleigh NC 27609. Please include your name, contact information, and mailing address in your written request.
For additional questions, please email
Back to TOPUBE Transfer Applicants- What does Rule .0504(6) mean?
Please note the clarification of Rule .0504(6) of the Rules Governing Admission to Practice Law in North Carolina, available HERE.
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