I have read the instructions that were provided in the letter to applicants, on the Board of Law Examiners’ web page at https://www.ncble.org/examsoft-instructions , and on the website of ExamSoft Worldwide, Inc. at https://bar.examsoft.com/ . I represent to the
Board that I have experience with the laptop computer that I will use for the bar exam. I further represent that I will promptly download
the ExamSoft Examplify program and complete the registration process, including the taking of a qualification exam. I will practice
using the software before arriving at the exam site.
I understand that if I fail to do so, I can be refused the opportunity to use my computer at the exam site. I understand that if I encounter
hardware or software failure or other technical difficulties while taking the bar exam, no additional time will be given. If the technical
difficulties cannot be resolved or are not resolved, I will continue the essay examination by handwriting. I understand that in such cases,
the Board will use reasonable efforts to recover what had been written on the laptop, but will not give credit or make accommodations
for any portion of the answer(s) that cannot be recovered, regardless of the reason for the technical difficulty.
I accept the conditions the Board has specified for the use of laptop computers. I will hold harmless the Board of Law Examiners of the
State of North Carolina, its employees, agents, and contract assistants (including the Bar Exam proctors and all technical assistants)
for any and all computer and software malfunctions or other technical difficulties, regardless of the reason, relating to my use or
attempted use of a laptop computer in connection with the North Carolina Bar Exam and will indemnify these entities against any and
all costs, damages, and fees resulting from any claim filed by me against third parties.